Trusted, secure, reliable SIP technology
90 Billion minutes of VoIP traffic is handled by Sippy each year
100 Countries have one or more network relying on Sippy
16 Years as a fully incorporated Canadian company

Established in 2005
Secure and Supported
Flexible and Scalable
Hosted Worldwide
Perfect for MVNO, Fixed Line Operators, Wholesalers, Call Centers, Retail/Enterprise SIP Solution Providers
SIP Software Solutions for Secure End to End Communication in
Telecoms, Security, IOT, etc.
With the Right Telecoms Software, Great Things Can Happen
Sippy’s products are easily scalable and designed to be modular. The Sippy Softswitch is at the center of Sippy’s product suite. The softswitch is composed of a session border controller (SBC) and a billing platform that you can white label and resell.
The core products are developed and maintained in-house by a team of engineers who specialize exclusively on all things SIP.
Our Products
Sippy's software is full of features that deliver class 4 and class 5 functionality. Our products can be rented or purchased to let you maximize and increase the functionality or your network.
Advanced VoIP billing, smart routing, network protection and border control mechanisms all on a single platform.
RTP Media Gateway
The Sippy Media Gateway is the preeminent RTP Proxy platform, slashing CPU load and harnessing performance of your network architecture.
Load Balance
Sippy’s FreightSwitch allows you to create redundant SIP clusters all over the world, capable of high capacity and CPS .
Sippy's PBX solution is designed to complement your softswitch requirements. The PBX is cost effective and full of features.
IOT and More
Sippy offers consulting and a broad range of products that can be used in various applications from VoIP to IOT.
Telecom Software Designed, Developed and Supported by Professionals
Thanks to our versatile and highly experienced technical team Sippy is one of few companies in the field who controls its software stack from lowest OS layer to the upper layers. Despite our small size we have our own fully in-house developed SIP core that over the years we have perfected and refined to interoperate seamlessly with 99.99% of other products and solutions on the market - this is not a small feat, and in terms of technology puts us in the same league as other well known products such as those offered by Cisco, Broadsoft, Polycom or Twilio.
Latest Release Notes
Frequently Asked Questions
Priced to fit your budget
Sippy's pricing is affordable and intended to make it possible for new industry entrants to be competitive. All rental prices include hosting, provisioning, standard support, onboarding, as well as all standard updates and upgrades. All purchase prices include standard support for the first 12 months.
Sippy makes payments affordable. Discounts are offered when multiple licenses are purchased at the same time or when multiple months of license rental are paid for in advance.
Licensing Options Include These and MORE!!!
Flexible Hosting
What Sippy Users Say

"Our network has been relying on Sippy for almost a decade. Sippy's scalability has helped us grow steadily and securely. We trust Sippy and have in previous occasions recommended their softswitch to industry cohorts."

"Sippy has been instrumental to our core operations in origination, termination and billing. Some of our deployments have been online for over 5 years and thanks to Sippy’s flexibility are collocated close to our customers."

"We have grown with Sippy and are very happy with their support We trust Sippy’s engineering team and consider them a great resource. We continue to grow and Sippy’s stability and robustness give us the confidence to continue. "

"We bought our license in 2015 and have been paying support every since, we are very happy and recommend Sippy to any company that requires secure, VoIP telecommunications software."

“Our company has multiple Sippy licenses. Sippy provides us a stable, robust and secure platform and is very proactive with developing solutions we can use to grow our network and keep our customers happy.”

Trusted Among Industry Leaders
Sippy Partners respect our commitment to value, technology, trust, and reliability. Sippy partners consistently offer economical, Sippy-friendly options and advise on the market.

Extensively Tested and Engineered Telecommunication Solutions

Softswitch and components are provisioned on FreeBSD, chosen because it is a secure and stable operating system full of features.
OpenSource software such as OpenSIPS, Asterisk are integral parts of Sippy because we believe in OpenSource software that is why we contribute our time to helping its growth.
We proactively manage our code so we efficiently create applications that continue to remain compliant with industry standards and are secure and resilient. We believe that longevity is a value that technology needs to deliver.